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How to create a template?

1 min read

Templates are pre-designed layouts that can be used for creating new documents. They can save time by providing a standardized structure and formats. Templates are created in the same way as regular documents, but instead of associating signature fields with people, we simply associate fields with roles. A role is simply a placeholder for a real person. For example, if we have a purchase order that will always be signed by two people, one from the company and one from the customer, we can create a template with two roles, Customer and Representative.

Creating a template

  • Click on Create New and select the Create New Template option.

create new template

  • You will be taken to the Prepare template page. Add the template title in the Title field and the description in the Description field.
  • Then, add files in the Add files section.

Prepare template page

Recipient role specification

  • Add Role in the Add role section. The role is to identify the signer who will sign the document whenever the template is used.

Add role section

Changing edit permissions

  • As per default settings, you can edit the Recipient name and Recipient email added here while using the template. You can also change the Signer role from the dropdown on the right.
  • A template can be made uneditable by changing the settings. Click Show settings, and you can see the Edit this recipient and Delete this recipient options enabled.
  • Disable the Edit this recipient option to make the Name and Email uneditable. The signer role cannot be changed as well.


  • Add CC for the document if needed. The sender can also name the document and include a common message for signers in the recipient list of the template, which the users can edit.
  • You can also allow sender to manage Files, Recipients and Document message. Enabling the Allow sender to edit the document message before sending option ensures the common message for recipients can be edited when using the template.

Document setting

Adding form fields

  • Click the Next button to open prepare page. The sender can add the required form Fields to the document. These fields can be assigned to different signers by changing to the respective role name in the drop-down.
  • A name is assigned for all form fields while adding the form fields. If the template is used to send documents using API without the user interface, these names are used to identify each form field during coding.
  • After adding the required form fields to the document, click Save template.

Save template

  • The template will be successfully saved.

Pop message

Using the template

  • After the template is created, it can be seen on the All Templates and My Templates pages.
  • When hovering over the template, click the Use button at the end of the document. Alternatively, you can select Use template from the context menu.

use template

  • The sender can also make new changes to the template before sending the document as per the permissions allowed, such as Edit this recipient, Delete this recipient, Allow sender to add more recipients, and Allow sender to edit the document message before sending as mentioned above.

edit template

While using the template, the title and description cannot be changed, and the role added to the recipient cannot be edited.

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