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How to customize date time display format and time zone?

2 mins read

In BoldSign, you can find a list of supported date-time formats and time zones on the My Profile page Settings section. You can select any format based on your preference. Once you have customized the date, time, and time zone settings, that will be applied throughout the application.

Follow the steps below to customize the date time display format and time zone:

  • Go to the Settings menu and click on the My Profile option.
  • Navigate to the Settings tab to open the Date and Time Settings section on the My Profile page.

date and time settings

Date format

  • The Date Format can be changed to any given format by selecting the preferred date format from the drop-down list and click Save changesbutton.
  • This date format will be used in the date field everywhere in the BoldSign application.

date format

  • The Inherit from business profile option is also available in the drop-down. If this option is selected, then the Date format used everywhere in BoldSign is the same as the format in the Business profile Date and Time Settings.

Date format business profile page

Time format

  • The Time Format can be changed to any given format by selecting the preferred time format from the drop-down list and click Save changes button. This time format will be used in the time field everywhere in the BoldSign application.

time format dropdown

  • The Inherit from business profile option is also available in the drop-down. If this option is selected, then the Time format used everywhere in BoldSign is the same as the format seen in the Business profile Date and Time Settings.

Time format business profile page

Time zone

  • The time zone can be changed by selecting the preferred time zone value from the drop-down menu by searching using the country name and click Save changes button. This time zone will be followed for the time everywhere in the BoldSign application.

time zone

  • The Inherit from business profile option is also available in the drop-down. If this option is selected, then the time zone used everywhere in BoldSign is the same as seen in the Business profile Date and Time Settings.

Time format on business profile page

What is the Business profile?

  • The Business profile is the profile that is shared by everyone in a single organization. The changes made to the date format, time format, and time zone in the business profile are reflected to all users of the same organization.
  • The account admin can only edit the business profile settings.
  • Generally, the preference is given to the My profile date format, time format, and time zone. But if you want to follow the date format, time format, and time zone from the business profile, you can select the Inherit from business profile option.
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