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How to download the signed documents?

1 min read

After all the signers have finished signing, the sender, signers, and CC recipients can download the signed documents from the BoldSign eSignature application. Participants of the document will also receive an email with a copy of the signed document immediately after the signing process is completed.

Downloading documents in the mail

  • The participants will get an email once the document is signed and finished.
  • You can download the document directly from the email attachment or via the link.

sender side mail

Downloading documents on the My Documents page

  • Go to My Documents, hover on a completed document, and click its options. You can find the Download document option in the context menu.
  • When you select the Download document option, the document will be downloaded to your device.


  • Otherwise, click on a completed document on the My Documents page. It will be navigated to the documents overview page.
  • Click the Document download button at the top of the screen or click the More actions button and select the Download document option from the dropdown menu.
  • The document will be downloaded to your device.

download document overview page

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