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How to create and manage a team?

1 min read

Any number of teams can be created and managed in BoldSign. Once teams have been created, you can easily rename or delete them and quickly find the team you need using the search option. The account administrator has the authority to create, rename, delete, and search for teams throughout the organization, while the team administrator can only perform these actions within their respective team.

Follow the steps below to create, rename, delete and search a team:

Creating a team

  • Expand the Users & Teams menu and select the Teams option.
  • Click the Add team button, which is located near the search field.

Add team button

  • Now, Add new team dialog box will be opened.

Add new team dialogbox

  • In the Add new team dialog box, enter the desired name for your team in the Team name field, and then click the Add button.
  • Now, the new team has been added to the organization successfully.

Renaming a team

  • Go to the Teams menu and select the team that you want to rename.
  • Click the Context menu and select the Rename option. You can also rename the team name by clicking the Edit icon, as shown below.

Rename option

  • In the Edit team name dialog box, enter the new name for the team.
  • Then, click the Update button to save the changes.

Edit team dialogbox

  • Now, the team name has been updated successfully.

Deleting a team

  • Navigate to the Teams menu and select the team that you want to delete.
  • Click the Context menu and select the Delete option.

Delete option

  • A confirmation pop-up will appear; click the Confirm button to proceed with the deletion.

Confirmation pop up for deletion

Searching for a team

  • If there are many teams available, it is difficult to locate the team by navigating manually. On that case, you can find the particular team from the list of teams using the Search Teams option near the Add team button.

Search teams field

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