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How to create a new BoldSign account?

2 mins read

To utilize the BoldSign web application or APIs, you need to have a BoldSign account. You can create a new account on BoldSign or log in using your Gmail or Microsoft account.

Follow the below steps to create a new BoldSign account:

  • Go to the BoldSign account creation page using this link -

  • Enter a valid email address in the Email field and click the Create Account button.

create account button

  • You will be taken to the verification page. Enter the verification code you received via email in the verification code field, set a valid password in the create password field, and click the Continue button to finish creating your BoldSign account.

creating a password

  • Then, fill in the First Name, Last Name, and Company Name in the respective fields and click the Proceed button.

basic info page

  • Now, you will be directed to the Select Plan page, where you need to choose the appropriate plan for your account. There are two options available: API pricing and Web App Pricing. Within these options, you can select the desired plan on a yearly or monthly basis, as shown in the following image.
  • Under API Pricing, you have three options: Free Sandbox, Enterprise API, and Custom Plan.

API Pricing

  • For Web App Pricing, you can choose from Business, Enterprise, and Custom plans.

web app pricing resized.png

  • After selecting the appropriate plan, you will be taken to the BoldSign Dashboard page, where you can start using it to sign and manage your documents.
  • In addition, you can also sign in to the BoldSign application using your Google or Microsoft account, without creating a separate BoldSign account, as shown below.

sign in with google and microsoft

  • To sign in with Google, click the Sign in with Google option. Then, enter your email address and password, and click the Next button. The same process applies for signing in with Microsoft.

signing with email address

  • Finally, you can choose to stay signed in for 30 days or not by clicking the No or Yes, keep me signed in button.

  • After selecting the necessary option, you have now successfully logged into the BoldSign application.

stay signed in for 30 days option

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