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How to align the text in the textbox and label form fields?

1 min read

In BoldSign, text alignment support is available textbox and label form fields. With this feature, you can easily align the text within these fields according to your preference. The available alignment options are left, right, and center.

Follow the below steps to align text in the textbox and label fields:

  • On the Dashboard page, click the Create New button and select the Create New Document option.
  • You will be directed to the Prepare document page, where you need to fill in all the required fields and click the Next button.
  • Here, all the form fields are located on the left side of the Configure fields page.
  • Drag and drop the textbox field to the desired location on the document.
  • Select the textbox form field that you added to the document and on the right side of the page, you will see the Textbox settings field.
  • Look for the text alignment options and choose the desired one from the available choices: left, right, or center.
  • Once you have selected the desired alignment, the text entered by signers in the textbox form field will align accordingly.

textbox alignment

  • Similarly, in the Label settings field, enter the text to be displayed in the Value field and choose the desired alignment from the available options, such as left, right, and center. The text you entered in the Value field will align according to the chosen alignment option.

label alignment

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