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What are the keyboard shortcuts available?

1 min read

Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keyboard keys that can be used to perform a specific action. Using keyboard shortcuts instead of a mouse enables you to work more quickly and efficiently. In BoldSign, you can use keyboard shortcuts while creating a document.

Refer to the below steps to view and use the available keyboard shortcuts:

  • While creating a document or template, the configure fields page allows you to attach various form fields to the document and edit their properties.
  • Here See shortcuts option is available in the bottom-left corner of the page.
  • When clicked, a box opens with a list of shortcut key combinations that can be used to perform actions on the form fields added to the document.

Keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcuts

Shortcut Action Shortcut Keys
Cut Cut the selected form field Ctrl + X
Copy Copy the selected form field Ctrl + C
Paste Paste the cut or copied form field Ctrl + V
Delete Delete the selected form field Delete
Duplicate Duplicate the selected form field Ctrl + D
Select all Select all the form fields in the document Ctrl + A
Clone and drag Clones the form field selected and dragged Alt + Drag
Move fields Move fields to the required place in the document ← → ↑ ↓
Move to next field Move from one field to the next field Tab
Move to previous field Move from one field to the previous field Shift + Tab
Start editing To edit editable form field- Label Enter
End editing To exit editing editable form field- Label Esc
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