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How to change the bulk links language?

2 mins read

Senders have the flexibility to change the language when generating a bulk link. The currently supported languages include English, German, Spanish, French, Romanian, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Italian, Danish, Polish, Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, Russian, and Swedish. Once the bulk link is sent to the signer, all transaction-related emails and static content on the signing page will be automatically translated into the selected language. In addition, signers also have the option to change the language during the signing process if needed.

Selecting language while creating a bulk link

  • Click Create New and select the Create New Bulk Link option.
  • Configure the bulk link by adding necessary details such as Title, Welcome message, and Acknowledgement message, and then upload the document.
  • To choose the language for the bulk link, click on the dropdown menu located at the right end of the Recipient Role section and select the desired language.

Language option

  • Once completed, click Next to move to the form fields page, add the required fields, and click the Create Bulk Link button.
  • The bulk link is created successfully. When you share the link with the signers, all the signer-related transaction emails and signing page static contents will be displayed in the selected language.

Selecting language while signing the bulk link

  • While opening the bulk link, you can find the language dropdown near the terms and conditions.
  • Select your preferred language from the dropdown, then all the text on the signing page, like button text, popup messages, etc., will be translated into the chosen language.

Language dropdown arrow

  • You can also change the language by clicking the language dropdown at the top of the page.

Language dropdown arrow

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