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How to add validation to the textbox form field?

2 mins read

When you use the textbox form field, you can add the validation based on your requirement. The available options include Only Numbers, Regex, Currency, Email, and None. This selection determines the type of text that signers can enter in the textbox field.

Follow the below steps to add validation to the textbox form field:

  • Click the Create New button and select Create New Document from the options.
  • Fill in all the required fields and click the Next button. You will be directed to the Configure Fields page.
  • Drag and drop the Textbox field to the desired location in the document. This action will open the Textbox settings pane on the right-hand side.
  • Scroll down to the Validation field and choose an option from the drop-down menu.
  • If you choose the Only Numbers option, the signers will be able to enter only numeric values in the textbox field. Similarly, choosing any other option restricts the input to a specific format.
  • To customize the validation based on your need, you can select the regex option, enter the desired regex value, and add a description to provide signers with information on the required format.
  • Once done, click the Send button located in the top right corner of the page to send the document to the signer.

Customize the validation

  • While signing, if the signer has provided invalid input, a notification message that is added to the description field will be displayed to the signers.

Refer to this article to know more about the form fields: What are the form fields available in BoldSign?

We have also published a video tutorial on this topic. Check out the video below:

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