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How to export the bulk link responder’s details into a CSV file?

2 mins read

You can easily export the details of bulk link responders into a CSV file, which proves to be very useful when managing a large number of signers, streamlining the data retrieval process.

When a user views or signs a bulk link, the responder’s information is automatically updated on the corresponding bulk link overview page. As soon as this information is updated, the Export To CSV button becomes visible in the Responders section. Now, the sender can easily export all the responder’s details from the BoldSign eSignature application directly into a CSV file.

Follow the below steps to export the responder’s details to a CSV file.

  • Expand the My Bulk Links menu and select the My Bulk Links option on the Dashboard page.
  • You will then be directed to the My Bulk Links page, where you can choose the specific bulk link you want to view.
  • After clicking the desired bulk link, you will be navigated to the Bulk Link Overview page.
  • Scroll down to find the Responders section. Here, you can see a comprehensive list of all the responders who have interacted with the bulk link.
  • Once the responder’s information has been updated on the bulk link page, the Export To CSV button will become visible in the Responders section.
  • To download the form responses to a CSV file, click the Export To CSV button.

Export to CSV option

  • The CSV file contains important details provided by each signer, such as the Document created date, Document Id, Document status, Document completed date, Signer name, Signer email, Signer place, Form fields ID and their values (excluding Signature, Initial, Image, and Attachment form fields).
  • The Created date and Completed Oncolumns in the CSV will display the date and time according to the date format, time format, and time zone set by the user in the My Profile settings. However, certain date formats are not supported in the CSV export, including MMM dd, yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy, yyyy/MM/dd, yyyy-MM-dd, and dd-MMM-yyyy.
  • If the user selects an unsupported date format, the date and time will automatically be displayed in the default format MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm, with the time adjusted to reflect the user’s chosen time zone.

CSV file

  • For bulk links with less responses, the CSV file will be directly downloaded to your device without any delay. If the responses are more, then you will receive an email containing a download link to download the form responses in a CSV file format. This link will be valid for a period of 7 days from the date of email received, after which it will expire.
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