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How to send BoldSign signature requests for new RowShare rows?

2 mins read

The BoldSign Zapier integration can be used to send BoldSign signature requests automatically whenever a new row is added to the RowShare table. In this scenario, RowShare acts as the trigger app, while BoldSign serves as the action app. You can find the pre-configured template on the BoldSign Zapier integration page.

To use this Zap, you must set up a RowShare table based on your requirement, as shown below.

Rowshare table

Follow the below steps to send BoldSign signature requests for new RowShare rows:

Details of pre-configured template

  • Click the Try this template button, and you will be directed to the Zap creation page.
  • Provide the relevant title at the top of the page and proceed to set up the template.
  • In the trigger section, by default, RowShare is set as the trigger app, and New Row is the trigger event.
  • Connect your RowShare account and select the Table from which you want to fetch the details.
  • Then, test the trigger and click the Continue button to move on to the next section.

trigger section

  • For the Action section, BoldSign is pre-set as the action app, and Sent Document From Template is the action event.
  • Connect the BoldSign account and choose the template from the Choose Template field. The label is the only supported form field that can be added to the template.
  • Based on the chosen template, the fields will be displayed one below the other.
  • Click True in the Sandbox Mode field to test the integration without consuming API credits.
  • Map any other required fields, then proceed to test the action. Once the test is successful, publish the Zap and turn it on.

Action section

  • Hence, whenever recipient details are added to the RowShare table, a document will be automatically sent for signature. The generated document will contain pre-filled information based on the details updated in RowShare.

signature request mail

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