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How to find documents sent to a particular signer?

2 mins read

The documents sent to a particular signer can be found in the following ways.

  • Using My Documents Page - Find the documents the user sends to a particular signer.
  • Using Team Documents Page - Find the documents sent by your team members to a particular signer.

Using My Documents Page

  • Click Documents and select My Documents.
  • A list of documents sent and received by the user will be displayed.

all documents

  • Click the filter icon near the Search documents option and select the Sent button.
  • Your name will be automatically filled in the Sent by column.
  • Then, select a particular signer in the Recipients field and click the Apply Filter button.

Apply filter button

  • Now, all the documents sent to a particular signer will be displayed.

filter applied

Using Team Documents Page

  • In Team Documents, an account admin can find all the documents sent by any team member within the organization to a particular signer.
  • A team admin can only find documents sent to a particular signer by their team members.
  • A member cannot access the Team documents page.

Follow the steps below to find the documents sent to a particular signer.

  • Click Documents and select Team Documents.
  • You can use the All Members dropdown to find the documents.
  • When you click the dropdown, a list of members will be displayed.
  • Select a particular signer by checking the checkbox near the signer name.

team members

  • Now, all documents sent and received by the particular signer will be displayed.

sent and received documents

  • To find the document sent to a particular signer, click on the document and check the recipient details.
  • The signer’s name will be displayed in the recipient’s field.

finding recipients

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