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What is the maximum number of signers allowed for a signature request?

1 min read

In BoldSign, when creating a signature request, you can add up to 50 signers by specifying their name, email address, and signer role. If you reach the maximum limit, an error message will be displayed when attempting to add additional recipients.

Follow the below steps to add recipients to a signature request:

  • Click Create New and select the Create New Document option.
  • Begin by uploading file(s) on the Prepare Document page.
  • Then, in the Add Recipients section, add the recipient details like recipient name, email address, and role.
  • To add more recipients, click the Add Recipient button. Once the maximum limit has been reached, the error message will be displayed as shown below and the additional recipients cannot be added.

maximum recipients

If needed, you can make changes to the list of signers after sending the document. This is especially helpful if the recipient’s email address changes, or if the document is sent to the wrong email address.

In scenarios where a document has been shared with multiple recipients, and one of the signers declines to sign, other recipients will be barred from signing the document as well.

Refer to this link to know more about creating a signature request: Send your first document out for signature.

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