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How to manage SMS credits?

2 mins read

SMS credits refer to the allocated quantity of SMS that can be sent through an application. In BoldSign, an account administrator can limit the number of SMS OTPs that are sent to the signers when using the SMS authentication method. Enabling the SMS OTP add-ons entails a charge of $0.2 per SMS. You can manage financial boundaries by establishing a cap on the transmission of SMS OTPs to recipients.

Follow the below steps to manage SMS Credits:

  • Go to Settings and click Subscription to open the Subscription page.
  • Click the Enable SMS Credits option under the Pay as you go section.
  • Then, click the Manage Budget Limits option.

enable sms credit

subscription page

  • In the Manage Budget Limits dialog box, increase the number of SMS as needed by clicking the increase button. Then, click the Set Limits button.

Set limits

  • Now, you have successfully updated your budget limits, and the SMS OTPs can be sent up to the specified limit.
  • When the specified limit is reached, you will receive an error message as shown.

Error message

  • If the limit for the SMS OTP is not specified, OTPs will be sent to all signers who choose to receive OTPs on their phone numbers without limitation. However, an additional amount will be deducted along with your subscription for the number of SMS OTPs sent.

You will be notified through email when your usage reaches 50%, 80%, and 100% of the specified limit.

We have also published a video tutorial on this topic. Check out the video below:

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