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Can I send reminders manually?

1 min read

BoldSign allows users to manually send reminders to recipients to ensure that documents are completed on time. However, only one manual reminder can be sent in a day for each document. Additionally, the manual reminder you send will not impact the configured auto-reminder settings.

Follow the steps below to send reminders manually:

  • Select My Documents from the Documents menu.
  • Locate the document for which you want to send a manual reminder. Click the bell icon or select Send reminder from the context menu at the right end.

Send reminder

  • Alternatively, you can use the Send reminder or Remind Now option on the overview page.

Send now or Remind now

  • The Remind Now dialog box will appear. Select the recipient’s name and type your reminder message in the text box and click the Remind Now button to send the reminder.

Remind now

  • Now, the reminder has been sent successfully.
  • If you attempt to send more than one reminder in a single day, you will receive an error message.

Error message

  • The signer will receive an email with the reminder message, as shown below.

Email reminder message

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