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Can I specify the expiration date for a document?

1 min read

In BoldSign, you have the flexibility to set the expiration date for a document to a Specific Date and Time. You can configure default expiration settings on the Business Profile page. Additionally, you can set a document expiration alert to alert the recipients one day before the document expires.

Follow the steps below to specify the expiration date for a document:

  • Click on the Business Profile on the Settings menu to go to the Business Profile page.
  • Scroll down to the Default Expiry Date Type section on the Settings tab.
  • Click on the dropdown arrow and the expiry date type options will be displayed.
  • Select the Specific Date and Time option. By default, the Days option is displayed.

specific date and time

  • Click the Save changes button and the default expiry date type will be changed to Specific Date and Time.
  • When creating a document for signature, you will see a textbox with a calendar and clock icon in the Expires on section.

expires on field

  • You can change the expiration date and time of the document by selecting the corresponding icons.
  • Select the Alert 1 day before expiry option for the signer to receive a document expiration alert one day before the expiry and send the document for signature.
  • Now the document expiration date has been set successfully.
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