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Can I customize the frequency of auto reminders?

1 min read

Yes, you can customize the frequency of auto reminders in BoldSign. When you require signers to review or sign a document, a reminder becomes helpful in prompting their action. While creating a document, you have the flexibility to customize the reminder interval and the number of reminder instances.

Follow the below steps to customize the frequency of auto reminders.

  • Click the Create New button and select Create New Document.
  • On the Prepare Document page, complete all the required fields and scroll down to the Document settings section.
  • In the Document settings section, enable the Auto reminder option using the toggle button.
  • Specify the frequency for subsequent reminders after the initial one by entering the number of days in the Remind every field.
  • Set the total number of reminders to be sent in the Max. reminders field. You can configure up to 5 reminders.

auto reminders

  • Now, the auto reminder has been set. The signer will receive auto reminders based on the number of days and reminders specified.
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