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How to whitelist the IP addresses in BoldSign?

2 mins read

The IP address whitelisting feature in BoldSign enhances the security of your organization’s account by allowing you to restrict access to authenticated users from specified IP ranges. This ensures that only authorized individuals within designated IP addresses can access the BoldSign web app.

To make use of the IP address whitelisting feature, the following requirements must be met:

  • You must have an active subscription to a paid BoldSign account.
  • You must be an account admin of your organization.

Follow the steps below to whitelist the IP addresses for your organization:

  • Navigate to the Settings menu and choose the Business Profile option.
  • In the Business Profile page, scroll down to Allowed IP Ranges section and click the Add IP Range button.

Add IP Range

  • Your own IP address will be automatically added as the initial IP range. Enter the additional IP address range in the next IP address field.
  • You cannot save your changes if your current IP address is removed from the list.
  • Click on the Add IP Range button to add multiple IP address ranges, with a maximum limit of 25.
  • To specify a single IP address, enter only one IP address in the Start IP Address field.
  • Click the Save Changes button and the added IP address ranges will be displayed in the Allowed IP Ranges list.

Save changes

  • You can also edit or delete the IP address ranges by using the Edit IP Range button above the IP address field.

Edit IP range

  • The users within the specific IP addresses will now be able to access the BoldSign web application page.

The IP address must be in IPv4 format.

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