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How to export usage report to CSV file?

2 mins read

In BoldSign, you can effortlessly export a report of document and SMS usage into a CSV file, making it easier to track a large number of transaction records. This is particularly useful if you selected Charge my account option in the Billing Options and need to bill other organization users separately for transactions made with your OAuth token. The detailed information in the CSV file ensures accurate record-keeping and facilitates appropriate billing based on the transactions associated with each organization.

Follow these steps to export usage report to CSV file:

  • Click the Subscription option from the Settings menu on the Dashboard page.
  • You will be navigated to the Subscription page, where you can find and select the View Transactions option.

View Transactions

  • The View Transactions dialog box will open. Click the calendar icon to select your desired billing cycle, then apply the filter by clicking the Filter Transactions button. The list of transaction details will be displayed.
  • You can also filter the records by categories such as, API, App Documents, Bulk Transactions, SMS, and Self Sign.
  • To export the usage reports to a CSV file, click the Export To CSV button at the top-right corner.

export to CSV

  • Once downloaded, the report can be viewed on an Excel sheet.

  • The CSV file includes the following information:

    • Id - Represents the transaction ID.
    • CreatedDate - Records the date when the document was created.
    • DocumentId - Provides a unique identifier for each document.
    • UserEmail - Specifies the email address of the user who created the document.
    • FeatureType - Indicates the specific feature utilized for the document.
    • CreditType - Describes the type of credit used for the transaction.
    • DocumentType - Specifies the nature of the document, indicating whether it’s a document, bulk link, etc.
    • Action- Represents the action or operation performed.
    • UserOrganizationId - Specifies the ID of the user organization involved.
    • UserOrganizationName - Provides the name of the user organization.
    • ClientId - Refers to the client ID of the OAuth token.
  • Using the above information, you can easily find the transactions of a particular user.

  • Especially, the columns UserOrganizationId and UserOrganizationName are useful when transactions are performed by users from different organizations using your OAuth token. These columns track the ID and name of the user’s organization, enabling precise billing for their transactions.

document records

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