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What are hint text and default text in form fields?

1 min read

In BoldSign, hint text and default text are used in form fields to provide guidance and information to users when entering data. They serve different but complementary purposes in enhancing the user experience.

Hint text

Hint text, also known as placeholder text, offers a brief, informative clue about the data or format that should be entered into a specific form field. It helps signers know what kind of information is required without being a formal label or instruction. It often appears in a lighter color or italicized to distinguish it from user-inputted text.
When a signer clicks or taps on the input field, the hint text disappears, making way for the user to enter their data. If the user deletes their entry, the hint text reappears.

Hint text

Default text

Default text is used to provide signers with a pre-filled value that they can either accept or replace with their information.

Default text

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