What are the signature types available in BoldSign?
BoldSign supports three signature types for signing a document: Draw, Type, and Upload. You can create a default signature and customize it using colors. By default, the option selected during the first signing is saved but can be edited whenever needed.
You can draw your signature manually using a mouse or stylus. If you make a mistake while drawing your signature, you can easily erase it by clicking the Clear
button located at the top-right corner of the image. Also, you have the option to change the color of the signature by clicking the pen icon at the bottom-left corner of the dialog box. Finally, click the Save & use
button to insert the signature into the signature field.
This method offers four different font styles from which you can choose one to sign your document. After selecting the preferred type, click the Save & use
button to insert the signature into the signature field.
You can upload your signature from your computer using the Browse
option. Supported file formats are PNG, JPG, and BMP.