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How to modify user profile details?

1 min read

In BoldSign, an account administrator can modify user profile details and also restrict users from modifying their profile details. In case of such restrictions, users can only view their profile information but cannot modify it.

Modify user profile details

  • Click on Users on the Users & Teams menu to go to the Users page.
  • On the Users page, click on the context menu of the user whose profile you want to edit and select the Edit profile option.

Edit profile option

  • A dialog box will appear. Modify the User’s First Name, Last Name, Phone number, and Job Title in their respective fields and click the Save button. The profile will be updated successfully.

dialog box

Restrict user edits

  • Click on the Business Profile on the Settings menu to go to the Business Profile page.
  • On the Business Profile page, under the Settings tab, scroll down to the User Settings section and enable the Restrict users from modifying their profile details option.
  • Then click the Save changes button.

Restrict users from modifying their profile details option

  • Now, users will only be able to view their profile information but will not be able to make changes.
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