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What is the purpose of metadata option?

1 min read

The Metadata option in BoldSign serves to add additional information to a user. User metadata helps account administrators manage user accounts more effectively by storing relevant information on the Users page.
Metadata consists of a Metadata key and Metadata value pair, where the key represents the column name, and the value is the corresponding information or data associated with that key.

Follow the steps below to add metadata:

  • Click on Users on the Users & Teams menu to go to the Users page.
  • On the Users page, click on the context menu of the user and select the Add metadata option.

Add metadata option

  • A dialog box will appear. Fill in the Metadata Key and Metadata Value in the respective fields, then click the Save button.
  • The user metadata will be saved successfully.

Dialog box

  • You can also delete the metadata using the delete icon and add new metadata by clicking the Add new item button.
  • To view the user’s metadata, click on the Columns dropdown at the top right corner of the page and select the metadata key and the values will be displayed.

View metadata

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