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How to track organization activity?

2 mins read

The Activity Log feature records all user activities within the organization. Each log entry captures the user’s name, email ID, timestamps, event category, action type, and other relevant data. Only the account administrators can access the activity log. Logs are retained for the past 30 days, allowing you to review user activity within a relevant timeframe.

Follow the steps below to track organization activity:

  • Click on the Business Profile on the Settings menu to go to the Business Profile page.
  • On the business profile page, navigate to the Activity Log tab and a list of activities will be displayed with the following columns User/Timestamp, Event Category, Event Action, Target Resource, and Details.

Activity log tab

View detailed log

  • To view detailed information about an activity, click on the View button on the Details column or select the activity row.
  • A dialog box will appear with more details about the specific activity.

View option

Filter the activity Log

  • You can filter the activity log using the filter options available below the Quick Filters section.

Quick filters section

  • For example, if you select the date filter option, you will see options such as Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, and Custom range. Once you select a date range and click Apply, the activity log for that particular date range will be displayed.

Date range

Export to CSV

You can download the activities of a specific user or all users into a CSV file.

  • Click the Export to CSV option at the top right corner of the page and the user activities will be successfully downloaded to a CSV file.

Export to CSV option

  • The user activities will be displayed in the CSV file as shown below.

CSV file

We have also published a video tutorial on this topic. Check out the video below:

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