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How to revoke the bulk send?

2 mins read

In BoldSign, you can revoke the bulk send after sending it for signature but before it is signed. Notifications of the revocation will be promptly sent to both the sender and the designated signer via email.

Follow the steps below to revoke the bulk send:

  • Click on My Bulk Send on the Bulk Send menu to go to the My Bulk Send page.
  • On the My Bulk Send page, click on the context menu of the bulk send and select the Revoke option to revoke all the pending documents.

Revoke option

  • A dialog box will open. Enter the reason for revocation in the Reason field and click the Yes, revoke button.

Dialog box

  • The bulk send will be revoked successfully.

Confirmation message

  • Both the sender and the signer will be notified of the revocation through email.

Email notification

You can also revoke a particular bulk send document.

  • Select My Bulk Send on the Bulk Send menu to go to the My Bulk Send page.
  • On the My Bulk Send page, click on the bulk send and you will be taken to the Bulk Send Document page.
  • Click on the context menu of the bulk send document and select the Revoke option.

Revoke option

  • A dialog box will open. Enter the reason for revocation in the Reason field and click the Yes, revoke button.
  • The bulk send document will be revoked successfully.

Dialog box

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