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How to disable signature storage for non-BoldSign account holders?
1 min read
In BoldSign, an account administrator can disable signature storage for non-BoldSign account holders by enabling the Require a new signature every time option. By default, a signer’s signature is stored after their first use. However, by enabling this option, signers will be required to draw or select their signature every time they sign a document.
Follow the steps below to disable signature storage for non-BoldSign account holders:
- Click on the
Business Profile
on the Settings menu and you will be directed to the Business Profile page. - On the Business Profile page, scroll down to the Signature Settings section and enable the
Require a new signature every time
option. - Then, click the
Save changes
button and the changes will be saved successfully.
- Now when you send signature requests to a non-BoldSign account holder, they will be required to select their signature each time they sign the document.