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What is name matcher tolerance level?

2 mins read

In BoldSign, the name matcher tolerance level is a crucial setting that enables users to define the degree of tolerance for matching the signer’s name with the name on the uploaded identification document. This setting provides users with flexibility in determining the strictness of the matching criteria. Below are the available options and their respective characteristics:

  1. Strict: This option employs a strict set of rules when comparing the signer’s name with the name extracted from the uploaded document. It allows for very minimal variations and ensures precise matching accuracy.

  2. Moderate: Utilizing moderate rules, this option permits variations in the middle, prefix, and suffix parts of the signer’s name compared to the name on the document. It offers a balance between strictness and flexibility in matching criteria.

  3. Lenient: The lenient option adopts very relaxed rules for comparison, accommodating minor spelling mistakes or variations between the signer’s name and the name on the uploaded document. It prioritizes inclusivity and flexibility over precision.


Signer Name ID Name Detected Variation Strict Moderate Lenient
Zoe Carver Zoë Carver Diacritic Yes Yes Yes
Julia Harris Julia Scarlett Harris Middle name missing Yes Yes Yes
Cathrine Zeta-Jones Catherine Zeta-Jones First name spelling No Yes Yes
Christopher J. Smith Christopher John Smith Middle name mismatch No Yes Yes
Carlos Esteban Rodriguez Carlos Rodriguez Middle name mismatch No Yes Yes
Elizabeth Mary Windsor Elizabeth Windsor Middle name mismatch No Yes Yes
Steve McDonald Steven MacDonald First + last name mismatch No Yes Yes
Nikolai Nikolaevich Romanov Nikolai Romanov Middle name mismatch No Yes Yes
Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo di Vinci Middle name mismatch No Yes Yes
George Bishop A George Bishop Arthur Last name mismatch No No Yes
Mohammad Al-Farsi Mohammed Al Farsi First name mismatch No No Yes
Alex Jr. Kim Alexander Kim Junior First + middle + last name mismatch No No No
Jaime Lannister Jamie Lanister First + last name mismatch No No No
Sarah O Brien Sara O’Brien First name mismatch + transliteration No No No
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