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How to send the signature request to signers in different languages?

1 min read

You can allow your signers to receive the emails in their preferred language. The currently supported languages are English, German, Spanish, French, Romanian, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Italian, Danish, Polish, Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, Russian, and Swedish. While sending the signature request, all the signer-related transaction emails and signing page static contents will be translated into the signer’s defined language.

Follow the steps below to set different languages for signers:

  • Click the Create New Document option, and in the Add recipients section, you can set the language for the signer from the language dropdown. The signer will receive the mail in the selected language.


  • For multiple signers, if all the signers are set to be in the same language, you will have a single document Title and Message option below.
  • If each signer is assigned to a different language, you must set the Title and Message for each language individually.

title and message

  • Then, you can proceed and complete the signing request document.

Example: If the signer’s language is set to German, the mail will be delivered in German to the signer, as seen in the example below.

different language mail

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