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How to bulk download the bulk send documents?

2 mins read

In BoldSign, you can download the completed bulk send documents in bulk rather than downloading each document individually. You can download the bulk send document from either the My Bulk Send page or the Bulk Send documents Page.

Follow the steps below to bulk download the bulk send documents:

Download documents from My Bulk Send page

  • Click on My Bulk Send on the Bulk Send menu and you will be directed to the My Bulk Send page.
  • On the My Bulk Send page, click on the context menu of the bulk send you want to download and select the Download option.
  • The download option will be shown if at least one document in the bulk send is in completed state.

Download option

  • The bulk send documents will be downloaded successfully.

Downloaded zip file

Download documents from the bulk send document page

  • Select My Bulk Send from the Bulk Send menu to go to the My Bulk Send page.
  • On the My Bulk Send page, click on the bulk send and you will be directed to the Bulk Send Document page.
  • Click on the More actions dropdown and select the Download option.
  • The bulk send documents will be downloaded successfully.

Downloaded option

If the combined size of the documents is less than 25 MB, then the documents will be automatically compressed into a zip file for download. However, if the combined size exceeds this limit, a link to download the documents will be sent to your email address. The download link will remain valid for 7 days before expiring.

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