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How to install the beta version of the BoldSign mobile app on Android & iOS?

3 mins read

You can now access the Beta version of the BoldSign mobile app on the Google Play Store and Apple TestFlight. This mobile app is packed with most of the features found in the BoldSign web app, including sending documents, signing documents, self-signing, sending from templates, downloading documents, and more.

The primary goal of this beta release is to gather valuable user feedback to enhance the app before its official stable launch. We encourage you to try out this app and share your thoughts with us. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the BoldSign mobile app. Thank you for your support!

How to install the app

Install the app on your devices by following the steps below.


  • Open this link on your Android device or open the Play Store application and search for “BoldSign” and select the BoldSign app from the list. This will direct you to the BoldSign app page on the Google Play Store.

BoldSign app page

  • Tap the Install button, and the app will be installed on your device.
  • Once installed, tap the Open button to launch the app.


  • Please ensure the TestFlight app is available on your iOS device or install it from the App Store.

Testflight app

  • Then, open this link, and it will redirect you to the BoldSign mobile app on TestFlight.

BoldSign mobile app

  • Tap the Accept button, followed by the Install button. This will install the app on your device.
  • After installation, tap the Open button to launch the app. Upon opening, you’ll see a message from the developer. Tap the Next button to proceed.

Next button

  • Then, tap the Start Testing button.

Start testing button

How to login to the app

  • When you open the installed BoldSign app, you’ll be prompted to log in. If you already have a BoldSign account, simply enter your credentials and tap the Login button to access the app.
  • If you’re new to BoldSign, quickly create an account by tapping the Create Account button on the screen.

Login to the app

  • After successfully logging in, you will be directed to the Dashboard page of the BoldSign mobile app.

Dashboard page

How to share feedback with us

You can share your thoughts, feedback, report any bugs you encounter, or suggest new features with us in two ways: You can either email your feedback to or create a ticket using this link.

How to opt out of Beta testing

If you wish to opt out of the beta testing for any reason, you can do so by following these steps:

  • For Android users, simply uninstall the installed BoldSign app to exit the BoldSign beta release program.
  • For iOS users, open the BoldSign app in TestFlight and scroll to the bottom. There, you’ll find the Stop Testing option. Tap it and then tap Stop Testing again on the confirmation pop-up.

Stop testing option

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