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How to organize and manage templates using tags?

2 mins read

Tags serve as labels that can be added to the template to organize and manage them. By filtering based on the tags, you can easily locate the appropriate templates. Tags can be added either during or after the template creation process. Multiple tags can be added to the template.

Adding tags while creating the template

  • Click on Create New and select the Create New Template option.
  • You will be directed to the Prepare template page. Add the template Title and Description in the respective fields.
  • Then add files in the Add file(s) section and roles in the Add role(s) section.

Prepare template page

  • Scroll down to the Template Settings section and add tags in the Tags section. You can add multiple tags here and proceed with completing the template. To add multiple tags, press the enter button after a tag is entered.

Tags section

Adding/Removing Tags

  • Click on the All Templates, My Templates, or Shared Templates option, and a list of templates will be displayed.
  • If no tags were added to the template, the Add tags option will be displayed, and if any tags were added already, the Manage tags option will be displayed on the context menu. Select that option.

Manage tags

  • A popup will be displayed for adding new tags and removing the existing tags.
  • Make the required changes and click the Save button to save the changes.


Organizing Templates

  • Click My Templates, All templates, or Shared template from the template menu and go to the advanced filter option to select Tags.
  • When the tags are selected and the Apply Filter button is clicked, a list of all templates with the selected tag will appear.
  • Once the filter is applied, you will have the pin filter option and the clear filter option at the top of the screen.

Apply filter option

  • If you want to pin the filter, click the pin filter icon, and a popup asking for the Widget name will appear.
  • Enter a name for the saved filter and click the Save & Pin button. The filtered templates will be successfully pinned on the dashboard page.


  • On the Dashboard page, you can find the pinned filtered templates along with the widget name.
  • You can delete or rename the widget name on the dashboard page by clicking on the context menu.

Dashboard page

We have also published a video tutorial on this topic. Check out the video below:

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