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How to send a document for signature on your mobile device?

3 mins read

You can easily send documents for signature on your mobile device using the BoldSign mobile app. With intuitive features, BoldSign makes the process efficient and accessible, empowering users to manage signatures on the go.

Follow the below steps to send a document out for eSignature on your mobile device:

  • Make sure you have installed the BoldSign mobile application from the Google or Apple Play Store and logged into your account.
  • On the dashboard page, tap the + button in the bottom navigation bar and the Create New bottom sheet will be displayed. Select the Create New Document option from there.

Create new document option

Upload Documents screen

  • You will be navigated to the Upload Documents screen. Upload the required files from your local storage by tapping the Upload Documents button. The supported file formats are PDF, JPG, PNG, DOCX, and XLSX files. You can add up to 25 files, each with a maximum of 1000 pages. The maximum file size is 25 MB.

Upload documents screen

  • You can get the options to replace or change the position of the uploaded files when tapping on them.
  • Tap the Continue button and you will be taken to the Recipient List screen.

Recipient List screen

  • Add the recipients by tapping the Add recipient button at the bottom.

Add recipient option

  • In the Add Recipients screen, you can enter the recipient’s name and email, and choose the recipient type, such as signer, reviewer or in-person signer.
  • You can also enable authentication to the signer, which can be Email OTP, Access code, or SMS OTP. Note that the access code must be communicated to the signer directly.

Recipients list screen

  • Next, enable the Private Message feature if you want to communicate any private message to your signers.
  • Tap the Add recipient button to add the recipient. In the same way, you can add any number of recipients.
  • You can add yourself as a recipient by tapping the Add me button and you can add contact groups as recipients by tapping the Add contact group button.
  • You also have the option to enable the Signing order for multiple recipients and tap the Next button.

Prepare Document screen

  • You will be navigated to the Prepare Document screen. Here you can add CC recipients, if needed. Also, you can change the title and message of the document.

Prepare document screen

  • Then, tap on Document Settings. You can select a brand in the Select Brand option, allow signers to reassign the document, set the document expiration, and configure auto reminders.
  • Once done, tap the Apply changes button, then tap the Configure fields button on the Prepare Document page to add form fields to the document.

Document settings screen

Configure Fields screen

  • Once you tap the Configure fields option, A Gif image will be displayed for the new users, you can refer the GIF image to add form fields.
  • On the Configure fields page, tap the Fields button at the bottom of the screen or long press on the document and the list of form fields will be displayed.
  • Select the required form fields and place them in the desired positions. You can zoom the page by pinching it.
  • Once the form fields are added, tap Continue.

Continue button

  • In the Document Actions screen, options to send the document, preview and send, and save as draft will be displayed.
  • Tap the Send document option to send the document to the signers.

Send document option

  • The Document Summary sheet will be displayed. Check all details and tap the Send button.

Document summary screen

  • The document will be sent successfully, and a confirmation message will be displayed.

Confirmation message

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