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How to automatically delete the documents?

2 mins read

BoldSign offers the feature to permanently delete a document automatically once it is Completed, Declined, Revoked, or Expired after being retained for a specified number of days. By default, the maximum retention period is 1827 days, and the minimum is 14 days.

Follow the steps below to automatically delete the documents:

  • Expand the Settings menu and select the Business profile option.
  • You will be directed to the Business Profile page. Scroll down on the Settings tab and enable the Document Deletion Policy option.
  • Options for Document Status Filters and the Number of Days to Retain will be displayed.
  • The Document Status Filters option is used to select the document status that should be allowed for automatic document deletion such as Completed, Revoked, Declined, and Expired.
  • The Number of Days to Retain option is used to specify the number of days to retain the documents after they attain the specified document status.

Document deletion policy option

  • Specify the document status for deletion and the number of days to retain it, then click the Save changes button and the updates will be applied automatically.
  • Documents scheduled for deletion are indicated in the My Documents and Team Documents with a Scheduled for Deletion badge that shows the Deletion date and time.

Scheduled for deletion badge

  • You can filter the number of documents scheduled for deletion by clicking on the Scheduled for Deletion badge.

Filter option

  • You can cancel the automatic document deletion of a specific document on the My Documents page by clicking the Context menu of the document and selecting the Cancel deletion option.

Cancel deletion option

  • When you want to cancel automatic deletion for all documents, disable the Document Deletion Policy on the Business Profile page.
  • A dialog box will pop up with a warning that all the documents scheduled for deletion will be removed from the deletion queue.
  • Click the Yes, Disable Policy button and then the Save changes button. All previously scheduled document deletions will be canceled.

Yes, disable policy option

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