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How to edit the existing bulk link?

2 mins read

In BoldSign, editing an existing bulk link allows you to make necessary changes or customizations to your bulk link for a specific purpose. With the editing feature, you can easily replace outdated bulk link details, or add necessary information that may have been missed during the bulk link creation, without starting from scratch. This feature allows you to edit expired, active, or inactive links, regardless of their status.

Follow the below steps to edit an existing bulk link:

  • Click the Bulk Links menu on the Dashboard page and choose the My Bulk Links options.
  • You will be directed to the My Bulk Links page, where you can find the list of your bulk links.
  • Locate the bulk link you need to edit. Click the context and select the Edit bulk link option.

edit bulk link

  • You will be taken to the prepare bulk link page, where you can edit all the bulk link details, including the Title, Welcome message, Acknowledgement message, Files, and Additional roles. Then click Next to go to the configure fields page.


  • On the Configure Fields page, you can modify all fields before finalizing the link.
  • Once you’ve made the required adjustments, click the Save Bulk Link button to save your changes.

Save bulk link

  • Now, the bulk link has been successfully edited, and the URL remains unchanged.
  • You can share the same link with the signers, and anyone with access to that link can sign the document.

bulk link

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