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How to view team bulk send?

1 min read

In BoldSign, the team bulk send option is available for account and team administrators. Account administrators can view all bulk sends created within the organization, whereas team admins can access only the bulk sends created by their team members.

Follow the steps below to view team bulk send:

  • Click on the Bulk Send menu and select the Team Bulk Send option.
  • A list of bulk sends created by team members will be displayed.

Team bulk send option

  • You can view the Team Bulk Send documents by clicking on the bulk send you want to view, and you will be taken to the Team Bulk Send documents page.
  • On the team bulk send documents page, you can filter the documents by using the advanced filter, status, or search options.

Filter options

  • Click on a specific document to navigate to its overview page, where you can view detailed document information.

Overview page

For completed documents, options such as View document, Clone document, Download document, and Download audit trail will only be displayed if the account admin has enabled the custom permission for that particular member.

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