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How Do Recipients Receive Notifications When the Document has been Completed by All Recipients?

1 min read

When a document is sent for signature or approval to multiple recipients in BoldSign, they receive email notifications to guide them through the process. Once all recipients have signed, the sender, recipients, and CC’d individuals receive a completion email. This email includes the document details, signers’ information, and a link to view the document.

The email notification generally includes the following:

  • Document Details: The recipient sees the name of the document and a link to view it.
  • Call to Action: A link to open and view the completed document.
  • Recipient Details: The email provides details of all recipients, including reviewers and signers.

How recipients and senders receive completion emails for documents signed by multiple recipients

  • The sender, all recipients, and CC’d individuals receive a notification at their respective email addresses once the document is successfully signed.

completio email

  • The email also notifies recipients and the sender that a copy of the signed document, along with the audit trail, is attached.
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