What are the key highlights in identity verification audit trail?
An Identity Verification audit trail is a detailed record that tracks important events throughout a document’s process, focusing on verifying the identity of signers. It ensures transparency, compliance, and security by logging key activities from the moment the document is sent until it is completed. The audit trail becomes available for download once all signers have finished their actions, providing a reliable and verifiable record of events.
The audit trail includes the following information:
Document Information: Detailed information about the document, including its ID, type, name, status, title, signing order, page count, and the date and time it was sent and completed.
Sender and Recipient Information: Includes details about the individuals involved, such as their names, email addresses, IP addresses, and the devices they used.
Authentication Security: Records of the methods used to authenticate signers, including identity checks and consent to electronic disclosures. This ensures compliance with regulatory and legal standards.
Identity Verification Details: A comprehensive log of the identity verification process, including:
Verification provider
(e.g., Stripe Identity) and session ID.Timestamp
indicating when the verification was completed.Confirmation of successful verification
, ensuring the signer’s identity was authenticated before proceeding.
Signature Information: Specifies the type of signature applied by the signers, such as typed, drawn, or uploaded as an image.
Timestamps: Provides exact dates and times for each action performed on the document, such as sending, viewing, signing, and completing the document.
User Activity Log: Tracks actions taken by users, including who accessed the document, when they accessed it, and what they did.
Below is a sample of the Identity Verification audit trail document: