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Can we reactivate the expired document?

2 mins read

In BoldSign, once a document expires, it cannot be reactivated. However, you can clone the expired document and send it again for signature.

Follow the steps below to clone an expired document:

  • Click on the Documents menu and select My Documents to go to the My Documents page.
  • On the My Documents page, select the expired document that you want to clone.
  • Click on the context menu and select the Clone document option.

Clone document option

  • You can also find the Clone document option on the Overview page.

Overview page

  • A dialog box will pop up with two options: Without form field values and With form field values.

Dialog box

  • If you select the Without form field values option, the cloned document will not retain any form field values, and all fields will be empty in the new document.
  • If you choose the With form field values option, the cloned document will retain the form field values from the original document if they have any data. However, certain field values such as Signature, Image, Initial, Attachment, Company, and Title will not be retained due to security and functionality limitations.
  • Choose the desired clone type, and click the Clone button in the dialog box. This will redirect you to the editing page of the cloned document, where you can update the recipient’s name and email address, make any necessary modifications, and send the document for signature.

Prepare document for signing page

For more information, you can refer to this article: What form fields are supported when cloning documents with values in BoldSign?.

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