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How to reassign or delegate the signing responsibility to another user?

2 mins read

Reassigning a signature request document involves transferring the signing responsibility from one person to another. This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as delegating responsibility to the most appropriate person or addressing an absence. When a document is reassigned, all participants will be notified of the change. The signer and the signer’s admin can reassign the document.

Follow the steps below to reassign the document to another user:

  • Open the document received through email and click the Review and Sign button.

email notification

  • You will be taken directly to the document.
  • Click the More actions dropdown button at the top right corner of the page and select the Reassign option.

Reassign option

  • A dialog box with name, email address, and reason fields will appear.
  • Fill in all the fields and click the Re-assign button to reassign the document.

reassigning in email

You can also use the following method to reassign the document if you have a BoldSign account:

  • Go to My Documents and select the document you want to reassign. In that, click the context menu of it and select the Re-assign option

reassign on My documents page

  • Otherwise, select the document, and you will be taken to the overview page.
  • Click the More Actions button at the top-right corner and select the Re-assign option.

reassign on overview page

  • A dialog box will appear. Enter the Name and Email address of the signer to whom the document is to be reassigned.
  • Also, add a reason for reassigning the document in the reason field.
  • After entering all the requested details, click the Send button.
  • Now, the document will be reassigned to the specified signer.

reassign pop-up

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