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How to activate or deactivate a user?

1 min read

An account admin can activate or deactivate any user under the organization, while the team admin can only activate or deactivate users under their team. Deleting a user removes their entire details permanently, whereas deactivating the user holds the user details. In the future, if required, that particular user can be activated again.

Deactivate a user

  • Open the Users page under Users & Teams option. You can see the list of users under various teams.
  • Click the menu button at the end for the user you want to Deactivate. You can see options such as Delete User and Deactivate User.

Deactivate user option

  • Click Deactivate User option. If the user has no documents associated with them, click Confirm in the dialog box to deactivate the user.

Confirmation dialog box

  • If the user has documents associated with them, transfer the ownership of documents under the user to another user.
  • Select another user from the To dropdown. The ownership of documents of the user will be transferred to the selected user after the deactivation.
  • Click Confirm button to Deactivate the user and the transfer of the ownership of documents will begin.

Transfer ownership

Transfer ownership of documents notification

Activate a user

  • To activate the user, click the menu button at the end of the Deactivated user and select the Activate User option.

Activate user option

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