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How to bulk import multiple contacts?

2 mins read

Contact information is required to add recipients while sending documents for signing. If you have previously added the recipient details to your contact, it would be simple to select them. You can add contacts one at a time or in bulk. Importing contacts in bulk allows you to add more contacts at once and saves time. Using the CSV file, you can import contacts in bulk.

Importing multiple contacts in bulk using CSV

Follow the steps below to import multiple contacts using a CSV file:

  • Open My Contacts from the Contacts menu. The Add new contact button will be found in the top right corner. Click that button, and the dialog box will appear.
  • From that dialogue box, choose the Import from CSV option, which directs you to the browse option where you can import a CSV file containing bulk contacts.
  • Choose a CSV file that has contacts dumped into it.
  • Click the Add button in the dialog box, and all the contacts from the CSV file will be imported into the list.
  • Click Download sample CSV file from the dialog box to find the sample usernames and email address format.

Adding bulk contact

Follow the steps below to import multiple contacts to create a group:

  • Open My Contacts from the Contacts menu. Click the Contacts Group section
  • Click the Add new contact group button at the top right corner, and the dialog box will appear. Enter the Contact group name field.
  • Click the Import from CSV option from the dialog box, which directs you to the browse option to import a CSV file containing bulk contacts.
  • Click the Create button in the dialog box. All the contacts from the CSV file will be imported into the list as a group.

Bulk import to form a group


  • You can have the same username with different IDs, but you cannot have the same ID for other users. This eliminates the possibility of duplicate IDs.
  • Only the CSV format files are accepted.
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