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How to manage my contacts?

1 min read

You can manage the contacts in your BoldSign account. The contacts can be added, edited, deleted, and searched. Also, each signer will be automatically added and saved as a contact while adding a new signer to the document. The signing process becomes easier by using the autocomplete recommendations when typing a signer’s name.

Adding new contacts

  • Select My Contacts from the Contacts menu.
  • A list of all added contacts will be shown. Click the Add new contact button in the top right corner to add a new contact.

Add new contact option

Searching contacts

  • You can look for a specific contact by entering it in the Search contacts box next to the Add new contact button.

Search option

Editing the existing contact

  • You can modify the Contact name, Email address, Company name, Phone number, and Job title of the existing contact.
  • If you wish to edit a contact, click on the context menu of the contact you want to edit and select the Edit contact option.

Edit contact option

  • A Dialog box will appear. Make the necessary changes and click the Update button.
  • The changes will be updated successfully.

Dialog box

Deleting the contact

  • If you wish to delete a contact, click on the context menu of the contact you want to delete and select the Delete option. The contact will be deleted permanently.

Delete option

  • You can also delete a group of contacts by checking the checkbox and selecting the Delete option at the top right corner of the page.

Delete option

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