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How to update two-step authentication settings?

3 mins read

Once you have enabled two-step authentication, you can be able to update the settings like changing the mobile number, verification email address, etc., using the update option. You can also remove the two-step authentication using the remove option. You must enter a valid verification code to update or remove the two-step authentication.

Update the authenticator app

  • Go to the Settings menu and click My Profile.
  • In the Enable Two Factor Authentication section, you can find the update and remove option near the authenticator app option.

My profile page

  • When you click the Update option, a dialog box with all the enabled authentication methods will be displayed.

Authentication options

  • Select a particular method to which the verification code should be sent.
  • If you select SMS, a verification code will be sent to your mobile number. Enter the code in the Enter verification code field and click Verify.

verification code

  • Set Up Authenticator App dialog box will open. Scan the QR code from the new authenticator app.
  • A verification code will be sent to the new authenticator app. Enter the code in the verification code field and click Verify.

Authenticator dialog box

  • Now, the new authenticator app will be updated.

Update mobile number

  • Go to My profile and click the Update option near the Phone number.
  • A dialog box with the enabled authentication methods will be displayed. Select an authentication method to which the verification code should be sent.
  • Once selected, a verification code will be sent to the selected option. Enter the code in the verification code field and click Verify.

Verification code

  • The Set Up SMS Authentication dialog box will be displayed. Enter the new mobile number in the Mobile Number field and click Verify Phone Number.

SMS dialog box

  • A verification code will be sent to the new mobile number. Enter the verification code in the verification code field and click Verify.
  • The new mobile number will be updated on the My profile page.

Update recovery email

  • Go to My profile and click the Update option near the Recovery Email Id.
  • A dialog box with the enabled authentication methods will be displayed. Select an authentication method to which the verification code should be sent.
  • Once selected, a verification code will be sent to the selected option. Enter the code in the verification code field and click Verify.

verification code

  • The Set Up Email Authentication dialog box will be displayed. Enter the new mail Id in the Email Id field and click Verify Email Address.

Email dialog box

  • A verification code will be sent to the new mail Id. Enter the verification code in the verification code field and click Verify.
  • The new recovery email Id will be updated on the My profile page.
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