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How to auto position the form fields for dynamic content?

2 mins read

In BoldSign, when creating templates, you have the option to automatically position form fields by using anchor text. By setting an anchor text and linking the form fields to it, they will be dynamically placed at every instance of the anchor text in the document. This functionality guarantees that the form fields remain accurately positioned, even if the document content is replaced or its alignment is modified.

Follow the steps below to create a template with auto-position form fields:

  • Click Create New and select the Create New Template option.
  • Add file(s), complete the required fields, and click the Next button to move to the following page.
  • On the Configure fields page, drag and drop the required form field into the document.
  • When a form field is dropped into a document, the settings page opens on the right side. At the bottom of the page, you can find the Auto positioning option.
  • Click the Configure button and you will be prompted to enter the Anchor text in the textbox. Anchor text is a unique text in the document where the form field will be positioned.
  • Once the anchor text is filled, click the Done button. The form field will be placed wherever the anchor text appears in the document and grouped automatically.
  • If needed, you can ungroup the fields by clicking the Ungroup button. Additionally, you can Duplicate, Edit, and Delete the auto-positioned fields.
  • Once completed, click the Save template button to save the template.


  • When you replace the document with a new one or update the content of the current document, the form fields will be automatically positioned based on all the occurrences of the anchor text in the replaced document. This functionality ensures that the form fields remain accurately placed even if the document’s alignment changes.
  • In the following scenario, when using a saved template to send a document out for signature, if you replace the document with another one, the form fields will be automatically positioned based on the anchor text in the replaced document.

To prevent collision with the form fields, the anchor text occurrences in this document have been made invisible by changing the font color to white.


  • It is essential to enter the anchor text accurately. If the anchor text you entered is not present in the document, you will receive an error message.
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