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How to set default values for the form fields?

1 min read

BoldSign supports setting default values in Textbox, Image, Checkbox, Radio buttons, and Editable date form fields. When you create a document in BoldSign, you can easily set default values for these fields, which will be automatically populated when the signer opens the document. The signer can change the default value if needed. In addition, the default value can be set as read-only. The signer cannot modify the default value if the read-only is enabled.

Follow the steps below to set default values for the form fields:

  • Click Create New from the dashboard and select the Create New Document option.
  • Fill in all the required fields on the Prepare document page and move to the Configure fields page.
  • Drag and drop a form field to the desired position. If you choose the Editable Date form field, the settings menu will open on the right side of the page.
  • In the Default Date option, select a date using the calendar icon. The selected date will be displayed to the signers by default, and they can change it if needed.
  • To make the default value uneditable by the signer, check the Read Only checkbox. Once the checkbox is selected, the default value will be fixed and cannot be changed by the signer.

default value.gif

  • Similarly, you can set the default value and read-only for Textbox, Image, Checkbox, and Radio button form fields.
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