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How to update payment method?

2 mins read

You can make payment by using any one of the following cards:

  • American Express
  • Discover & Diners
  • Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Once a card is added, it can be further made default, updated, or deleted. Multiple cards can be added and used. The account administrator can only modify the payment details in the subscription settings.

Adding a card

  • Go to the Settings menu, select the Subscription option, and then click Add/manage cards under the Billing information section.
  • Click Add payment method, and you will be asked to update the card information, including expiration month and year, along with the CVC.
  • Click Add Card option to add the card information.

Add card

Updating a card

  • If you want to change a card, click the Change card button under the Payment Method section. Only the default card will have this option available.
  • Enter the new card details and update the card information. The new card details will replace the old ones.

Change card option

Deleting a card

  • To delete a card, you must click the context menu of the specific card you want to delete and select the Delete option.
  • In the context menu Set as default option is also available. You can make any one card as default by selecting that option, and the default card cannot be deleted.
  • Since at least one card is required, you are unable to delete the last card.

Delete option

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