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How to change the auto reminder settings?

1 min read

The auto-reminder feature helps to remind the signers to sign the document automatically. An account admin can set a fixed auto reminder for the entire organization rather than setting it individually for each document. Once the sender has sent a document to the signer, the reminders will be sent automatically at specified intervals and a specified number of times. The sender can also change the auto reminder settings while creating the document.

Follow the steps below to change the auto reminder settings:

  • Go to the Settings' menu and click Business Profile`.
  • On the Business Profile page, you can find the Auto Reminder Sequence option under the Document Settings.
  • By default, the auto reminder will be sent every 3 days and the maximum number of reminders is 3. For example, if you send a document on the 8th of a month, the auto reminders will be sent on the 11th, 14th, and 17th of that month.
  • You can change the auto reminder settings by enabling the `Auto Reminder Sequence’ option.
  • Once enabled, specify the interval days in the Remind every' column and maximum reminders in the Max. reminderscolumn and clickSave changes`.

Auto reminder sequence option

  • The specified interval days and maximum reminders will be displayed on the prepare document page for all senders while creating the document. The senders can change the auto reminder settings if needed.
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