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How to send unique or private message for each recipient?

1 min read

In BoldSign, a common message can be sent to all recipients of the document using the Message field. In addition, if you want to send a private message to a particular signer, you can use the private message feature. This can be helpful if you need to give specific instructions or information to a particular signer. The sender can send a private message to each recipient while sending a document.

Follow the steps below to set a unique message for each recipient:

  • Click Create New and select Create New Document option.
  • On the prepare document page, Show settings dropdown will be displayed below each recipient while adding the recipients.
  • Click the drop-down to reveal the Private message feature.
  • Enable the Private message feature and enter the message for the respective user in the given text box.

private message

  • The message will be displayed to the signers while signing the document.

message for you

  • When you add both the common message and the private message, both messages will be displayed to the signers while signing the document.


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