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How to check my team document statuses?

1 min read

A team admin can monitor all the documents sent and received by their team members on the Team Documents page. An account admin can monitor all the documents sent and received by all team members on the Team Documents page.

  • Click on the Documents and select the Team Documents option.
  • The team documents page opens with the list of documents shared by team members.
  • The status of the team documents is seen in the status column.

document status

  • To view the document details and other options, click on the document to open the overview page.
  • Both team admin and account admin can Send reminder, Revoke or Decline the team members’ document from the overview page by clicking the More actions button.


Filtering documents by teams and members

  • You can filter the team documents based on teams and members if you are an account admin.

team documents status

  • If you are a team admin, you can filter the team documents based on the member only.

all members

  • The All Teams dropdown has a team list, and you can select one or more teams and filter out the documents sent by the selected team members.

All teams dropdown

  • The All Members dropdown has a members list, and you can select one or more members and filter out the documents sent by the members selected.

All members dropdown

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