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How to pin the statistics to dashboard?

2 mins read

Pinning document statistics to the dashboard allows you to quickly view important information about your documents, such as the number of signatures received, the number of documents waiting for signatures, and the number of documents that have been completed. This can be especially useful if you have multiple documents you are tracking and need to see the status of each one quickly.

Pin documents to the dashboard

  • Click My Documents to open the list of documents.
  • Select the filter button in the search box to open filter options.
  • You can add specifications to the filter such as Sent documents, Received documents, or Both.

Apply filter

  • There is an option to filter based on different statuses of the document, such as Waiting for me, Waiting for others, Needs attention, Declined, Completed, Revoked, and Expired.

status dropdown

  • There is also an option to filter based on sender or receiver or using a date range such as Today, Yesterday, and so on.
  • After filtering the documents, click the Apply Filter button.
  • Once the filter is applied, a pin button appears on the top of the page.
  • When clicked, the Pin to Dashboard dialog box opens and requests a name for the widget with the filtered list. Enter the name and click the Save & Pin button to save the widget to the dashboard.

save and pin option

  • You can find the pinned widget in the dashboard.
  • You can easily open the pinned statistics to view the filtered documents using View Filter, and you can rename the widget and delete it using the menu button.

Pinned to dashboard

Pin bulk links to the dashboard

  • To pin bulk links to the dashboard, click My Bulk links.
  • Click the menu button of the bulk link and select Pin to dashboard.

pin bulk link to dashboard

  • The bulk link will be successfully pinned to the dashboard page. You can view the bulk link documents or delete the widget from the context menu.

pinned bulk link

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